Thursday, 27 February 2014

Blogging in Amsterdam

Boots, Shirt & Jacket- Topshop|Leggings-Urban Outfitters|Necklace-ebay

So happy to be reunited with my Janey to take my piccies :)

If any of you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you’ll probably already know that I went to the beautiful city of Amsterdam. I can honestly say it was amazing. The locals are so friendly and the waffles were so yummy! It was so easy to get lost as everywhere looks the same and every corner has a canal with about 30,000 bikes attached to it.

I am aware this outfit is similar to my last, but we could only take hand luggage on the plane so I had to pack light, which for any girl is difficult/ borderline virtually impossible. These shoes are incredbileeeeeee, and so comfy apart from my poor little toe. I wore them around for the day and my feet barley hurt. I am also thrilled that I finally have a nice white shirt- lets face it, everyone needs a plain white shirt. Unfortunately, as illustrated by the picture, it creases easily.

Hope everyone has had a lovely week so far- the sun seems to be making an appearance to which is fantastic.

If you have a spare 5 minutes i'd be ever-so grateful if you could follow me on Bloglovin' Thank you :)

- Coral

Sunday, 16 February 2014


Bomber, Jeans and Necklace-Topshop|Top H&M|Bag-eBay|Shoes-Jeffrey Campbell 

Hurrahhhhh, the rain finally stopped for the entire day, so I jumped at the opportunity to do a blog post. Again my entire outfit is from Topshop. I can't resist, and I don't really have any opportunity to look in any other shops.
If you have been living in a box these past few months you many have not noticed the vast amounts of 'Gingham Print' that has entered high street. It's probably just a spin off/ more summer version of Tartan but I for one love it. When these joni jeans came into work I was quick to snap a pair up. And AS FOR THIS BOMBER JACKET, I am in jacket heaven. I really do love it, and getting it on uniform was even better!
Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend despite this weather!
Lots of love,


Monday, 3 February 2014

I Like Turtles

Dress-Internacionale|Necklace-eBay|Turtleneck-H&M|Boots-Jeffrey Campbell

Thank goodness January is over. I literally feel like it has lasted forever!
I love this simple dress, it can double up as a day dress and night dress. Putting a simple turtle neck or shirt under any dress can instantly make it casual.
I am so happy that it is getting lighter in the evenings now! It means I can blog more (yay) as i'm normally at work or uni until it's dark.
I hope monday was't too painful for everyone.
- Coral

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