Sunday, 25 August 2013

Everyone loves to dress up


Good evening everyone,

I am attempting to upload this post on my phone so I'm not to sure how it's going to look. Sorry about the quality of the photos, they were taken on my phone also.

On my previous post I mentioned that I was going to London for a close friends 21st. It was such a fun night with way to much champagne! The hangover the next day was horrendous!

I bought this dress from Asos all of 3 times! It's so annoying buying stuff online because you never know if it's going to fit. Thank goodness for next day delivery. Even then the dress was to big and I had to safety pin it. It did end up looking like it fitted. (thank god). All of the girls looked beautiful in their dresses, and the boys looked so nice their suits!

I am looking forward to Notting Hill Carnival tomorrow! Is anyone else going to that? I can't decided what to wear! 

Have a nice Bank holiday! 



Tuesday, 20 August 2013

I love my Uniform

Dress-Religion| Socks-Primark|Creepers-eBay|Hat-UO

Good Evening!

These photos were taken a while back. (this is while I look so pale! and i'm wearing tights )
I lost them in amongst many thousands of photos in my laptop!

I love this dress and I remember being over the moon when I was aloud to have it for uniform! So it was FREEEEEEEEE YES FREEEEEEEEEEE, no pennies were spent on this incredible number!

I mainly wore this dress with my creepers just to tone it down and grunge it up a bit more for work. I did feel like  princess the first few times that I wore it just because it flows so nicely and is so figure flattering.

I am off to London this weekend for a friends 21st, so ill post an outfit showing you my dress that I've got. I just hope it arrives in time!!

Hope everyone is having a lovely week,



Sunday, 18 August 2013

Some BoomTown outfits!


Here are a few outfit(ish) snaps from the crazy crazy BOOMTOWN! As I mentioned in my previous post boomtown was undoubtably the Barmiest festival I have ever been to! I went with the intention of photographing my outfits day by day. But after the 1st day when I forgot that idea kinda went out the window. 

The 1st image is moments before the powder paint fight we unknowingly walked into. Jane (left) was wearing a simple black body con dress teamed with a checkered shirt which gave it that perfect girly festival vibe. I wore my tie dye vans tee and the essential bum bag! I can't even begin to tell you how much this bum bag came in useful in ibiza and Boomtown, I'm the sort of girl who hates carrying a bag on nights out so I always put my money and ID in my bra and normally end up loosing it. But the bumbag really didn't get in my way at all and kinda accessorised my outfit up a bit.

The 2nd image is a glimpse of the crazy activities that went on throughout the day at boomtown! Yes sumo wresting.... I can't describe how hilarious it was watching my friends wrestle in those suits. We also played in the ball pit and compeated in a potato sack race! In the image you can see another festival outfit, the paisley playsuit, and again my bumbag adds a little more to the outfit.
3rd image My lovely girlies that I went to Boomtown with and some of their festival outfits! Everyones outfit differed from day to day but we maily wore shorts and a flowy/crop tee or a cute dress. 
Some of the outfits at boomtown were incredible as there were set fancy dresses for each campsite. But some girls really did look incredible! 

Hope everyone has a lovely sunday... 
I can smell our BBQ cooking!

Love Coral



Thursday, 15 August 2013


Dress-YAYER|Shoes-Jeffrey Campbell|Sunglasses-Rayban

Hello there!

Sorry I have been a bit absent on the blogging scene! I have been extremely busy these past few weeks.
The first week of August I was loving life in Ibiza with my uni friends- to say it was a messy week would be an understatement. These photos were taken on our balcony which was beautiful and had an incredible view which you can see. 
After we got home, less than 2 days later we were off to Boomtown festival- (whoever thought that was a good idea after ibiza needs to be severely beaten)
That also was literally incredible! It was by far the most craziest festival I have ever ever EVER been to in my life. The attention to detail was incredible. I cant even put it into words. I would recommend anyone to go. But to go with an open mind...  I loved every minute of it!
However after 2 weeks of solid partying I am obviously ill. I am hating life right now. I can't stop throwing up and my head feels so dizzy. Please someone help me! :(

Anyway HOW AMAZING IS THIS DRESS! You can purchase it at YAYER.COM which is where I am currently doing my internship. Paisley is my favourite print and when I saw this dress I probably mentioned that I wanted it about 20 times throughout that day. The shape of it is gorgeous, and the scoop back is so flattering. I adore it!!

Lot of love
x x x 

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