Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Bleach london washed up mermaid review

Hey All,

I had the intention of actually making a video for you all to see me doing this, as I want to broaden my blogging platform to YouTube. But I don't have a tripod and it proved to be very difficult to film without one.

I then intended to take photos during the process of dying my hair, that also proved difficult as I was alone and I had gloves on and the time went to quick, so on and so fourth. 

I spontaneously did this to my hair last week after talking to about it with a colleague at work. I got all excited about it and bought the dye from boots.
I didn't want it to be too bright, as I have previously had lilac and pink and I like the pastely colours.

To start, I popped some gloves on and just split my hair into sections. I then just dolloped it on my hair and slowly massaged it into my hair. Because I only ever get highlights in my hair I knew that I would't get full coverage and it wouldn't be as strong. 

By the time I had dyed all my hair I only wanted to leave it on for a further five minutes, just so it wasn't to bright.

Above is the end result and I am really pleased with it. 
I've washed my hair about 6 times since and it hasn't faded at all, so I'm not really sure how long this will last.

If you have any questions, just ask below and i'll get back to you




  1. it looks great!! just bought my bottle of this dye, gonna try it next month <3

  2. Did it actually wash out after a couple of washes?

    1. No not at all, it has literally only just washed out. But luckily it still looked okay as it was washing out.

  3. How long did it take for this to wash out of your hair? Mine needs to be out in 7 weeks! eek!
    www.wonderfullyobsessed.blogspot.com xx

    1. Hey amanda, sorry for the long reply. Yes I took a little over 2 months for it to fully wash out, I did put a pink over the top of it though. but the green still shone through! Hope that helps :) Its such a cool colour!!


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