Sunday, 31 August 2014

Holiday Blues

Harriet: Top-H&M|Shorts-Urban Outfitters.
Evening all,

I have had a busy fun-filled week. Starting off with a wet weekend in london for the famous Notting Hill Carnival. The weather on Sunday was perfect, but unfortunately the rain came hard on the Monday. It literally did not stop once. Since then I have been camping in Wales for the week.

I finally managed to get my claws on this dreamy crop top a while back. When it first came into Topshop it literally sold out within a few days. It's just sooo beautiful. I also bought this skort in two different colours! This lemon colour and a nice mint. 

Anyway I am off now to eat a well deserved roast dinner, please check out and follow my twitter, instagram and bloglovin.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

I'm back!

Top&shoes-Topshop|Skirt-River Island


After an extremely hectic few months away from blogging I am back!
With Graduating, moving out of Bristol, moving house at home and working two jobs I have been so so busy which has unfortunately left no time to do anything... especially blogging!
I cannot even begin to tell you how many outfits I have to post.
Being a serial shopper I buy at least one item of clothing per week. And as I have been slacking on the blogging front you can imagine how much I have to show. Major blogging backlog!
I have considered writing up a haul of everything I have bought, however I feel that doesn't give the clothes the justice they deserve. So there will be copious amounts of post coming your way soon, hopefully everything will still be in season/stock by the time I finish posting everything!

Firstly I apologise on behalf of these photos. Whilst on holiday I pressured my friend into taking these photos. He was highly intoxicated and the taxi had arrived to take us all out so they were very rushed and these really are the best of a bad bunch of photos.


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