Wednesday, 29 October 2014


Dress-H&M||Shirt-Loot Vintage||Shoes-JC||Necklace-Topshop||Lips-Mac Diva||Mesh-Oh My Love

Happy Hump Day!!

Who else is looking forward to Halloween? When I was younger I was never aloud to go trick or treating. So now i'm older I think i'm making up for it now. I can't wait to get all dressed up and have fun!
This outfit is becoming a regular occurrence of mine. It is so simple, but just adding a statement necklace makes a huge difference and swapping the shirt for a smarted shirt can transform it from day to night... Marvellous! I also added a long sleeved mesh top underneath to make it a bit more wintery! Everyone loves a bit of mesh at the moment don't they?

Keep a look out on my instagram for halloween photo's, I think we are planning to do the famous 'Zombie Walk' that goes on every year in Bristol.

- Coral


Friday, 17 October 2014

The Cara skirt

Dressfashion Prom Dresses

Bomber, Cami & Skirt-Topshop||Necklace-Warehouse||Shoes-Jeffrey Campbell Coltranes

Again  this is a vert Topshop inspired outfit. Working three jobs leaves little time for shopping. Therefore working at Topshop allows me to almost get paid for shopping. Who's complaining? 
So I finally managed to get my hands on this sort after skirt that Cara Develigne wore in her Topshop campaign and I love it. I am not one usually for skirts, but I really like the fit of this one.
It was my birthday last weekend and I am now the tender age of 23. I am even getting wrinkles, it really is all downhill from here. 
- Coral

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