Monday, 24 December 2012

Merry Christmassss

Hey all,

Hope everyone has a lovely christmas. Just make sure to spend loads of quality time with you family, drink loads and eat until you cannot eat anymore!

Merry Christmasss

Lots of Love

x x x 

p.s here is a cheeky photo of my christmas tree and home and my bootiful pooch Molly


Sunday, 16 December 2012

I'm in space

Boots-Dr Martens|Discos-Glamorous|Sweat h&m|Necklace-eBay

Firstly, please ignore my face in these photos!

I almost feel that these images make me seem as though i'm in space. The graffiti is galaxy-like. My trousers are like a space-mans, and my dr. martens act as moon boots! So all in all this is an outer world outfit- if I were ever to go to the moon, this could be my attire?
I have finally finished all my uni work in time for christmas, unfortunately I have a job so can't go home for christmas just yet, which sucks A LOT makes me sad :( miss my family.
Still haven't done any christmas shopping yet either!!! 

Lots of love
x x x 


Sunday, 9 December 2012

See No Evil

Body-AA|Jacket-Allsaints|Fur-The Clothing Federation|Shorts-Levis


Just a quick post to show you a few photos that me and Jane took in see no evil in Bristol! It has loads of really cool Graffiti!
I was so scared and nervous about taking these photos, right next to a bus stop!!! And yes- it was bloody freezing, but I thought the fluffy hat was appropriate- why not bare a little back once and a while? One may as well fight the cold in these December months.
Uni work is stressing me out so much recently! I have no time for anything, so sorry for the short post as I am off to bed :( Boooo!

Night :D

x x x 


Wednesday, 5 December 2012


So Karen from contacted me the other day to see if I wanted to take part in the xmas outfit blogger challenge, I jumped at the opportunity, what more could a girl want than scrounging around the internet for ours piecing together an outfit for £100 or less (harder than it looks.
Anyway I decided to use MissGuided, mainly because their Autumn/Winter collection is amazing at the moment and such value for money. These boots are AMAZING, they are exactly the same as the Jeffrey Campbell ones but are £53.99! This dress is so simply so teamed with the necklace i thought would make it just perfect, and the boots will obviously complete it. The ring and bracelet I simply added because you always need a ring on your finger and a bracelet on your wrist! The lipstick I decided to put on their just to finish the look, as it's christmas I decided red would be the most appropriate especially because this outfit it quite dark and the red will brighten it up. My limit was £100, I managed to have a bit of money left over to buy a nice bottle of wine.

Anybody can enter this fantastic competition,the prize is a £100 fashion voucher for the three best outfits, to see the rest of the terms and conditions see here. So get shopping...

x x x

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Autumn Leaves

Sweat-Religion|Shirt&Jeans-River Island|Necklace&big ring-eBay|Bracelet-Topshop

Hey all,

Me and Jane had such fun yesterday shooting this! I booked out the uni camera (Cannon 60D - It's amazing, we took over 200 photos! Safe to say we got carried away!)
I was planning on doing this blog yesterday but I didn't finish work until 10! Stupid late night shopping!
This is another Religion number, it's called the Iwa jumper, I really like it, the colours are such an interesting blend and the jumper looks great by itself or teamed with a shirt.
I can't believe it's the 1st December today!!! I haven't got anything for anyone yet- nor the money too. Whoopsy.
I do love christmas too, Bristol has a lovely German Market, but me and my boyfriend are hopefully going to go to the one in Bath, can't wait!!


x x x 

If you havent't already follow my blog, instagram and twitter :)

Monday, 26 November 2012

Culture Clash

Shirt-Charity shop|Hat&Top-Topshop|Hi Tops-Nike|Discopants-Glamorous|Bag-Select

Hey all,

Aren't these photos cool! They were taken by my friend Harriet, as Jane was a busy bee at uni! The lighting looks really nice- nearly dusk!
Love this outfit it's so colourful! The mustard top I’m wearing underneath actually has really cool chains on the sleeves, but unfortunately I didn't get a photo. I will admit I was a bit chilly, could have done with a jacket, oh well.
I am literally SWAMPED with uni work, deadline after deadline! Therefore I have nothing interesting to write in this post, sorry!!
Lots of love,

X x x 

Thursday, 22 November 2012

All I want for Christmas is...

1.A romantic trip to paris with my lovely boyfriend will :)Highly unlikely as we are both extremely poor students
2. An iPad- didn't think I wanted one until three of my housemates have one and they look so useful!
3. Canon 60D- we have them at uni and they are amazing! I need one :(
4. Just a simple Boy London tee.
5. My dream car, cream mini! This will never happen, but a girl can dream.
6. WildFox Lennon sweat
7. Money- who doesn't want money?
8. Thomas Sabo skull ring
9. Nike Blazers- I seen these around and I really want them!

Good Evening!

Sorry guys, couldn't do an outfit post today, for obviously reasons... the torrential rain that is pouring out of the sky!
Driving home from uni today I literally had to drive on the pavement the road was so flooded!
Anyway, here are a few things, I want for christmas, I know for a fact that I won't get any of these, but it's nice for a girl to want, right? I never get huge presents for christmas but that doesn't really bother me, it's just nice to be around my family.
What do you want for christmas? Anything unusual?

Lot's of love
x x x  


Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Yes... Plastic Bag Nails!

Hey all,

Been super super busy this week, so many deadlines just around the corner stressing me out!
I have found time however to make a slightly different post, one of which i haven't done before... a nails post! As you can see I don't have the best nails (or hands) but I thought i'd do one anyway. 
A friend from work told me how to do this, personally I think it's amazing, very easy too.

Too begin, choose 3 colours of nail varnish- I chose these pastel type colours( these are the ones that go on top) Also have a light nails varnish, like white, or baby pink to be the base and a glitter to go on top!

Paint you nails.......... (with the lightest colour)

Wait for that to dry,then put random blotches everywhere! ( tip loosen the lids before you blotch)

Then simply press a plastic bag over the nail.

And Wholah!!

Keep a cotton bud handy.. Just encase!

Finish Off with glitter!!!!

Hope everyone is having a fantabulous week! 

x x x 

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Swarming Shirt-Religion|Guilty Jeans-Religion|Hat-UO|Bracelet-Topshop


Here is my UNIFORM! 
Some of you may or may not know I work for Religion Clothing, Religion is a niche clothing company based in Shoreditch in London. I am so lucky to be working there and I really enjoy it.
I love the Autumn weather at the moment, the leaves are so priddyyyy. I'm hoping to do some more photos soon in the leaves. I also need to venture away from my house as the scenery is getting pretty boring.
Another random fact for you all: Sylvester Stallones mum offers a clairvoyance service where she can read your fortune from a picture of you bum! She also charges a cheeky $600!! That fact is courtesy of my good friend Michael, he is a funny fellow!
Its friday tomorrow, does anyone have anything planned for the weekend, my friend from home is coming to visit me at uni so we are going out and getting drunk-YAY!!

x x x 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Holiday Blues

Dress-Miss Selfridge|Blazer-Primark|Shoes-JC

Hey all,

I apologise profusely for my lack of posts! 

Me and my lovely boyfriend have just been on holiday to Tenerife! Finally! As I was too poor to go in the summer and I was throwing a bit of a hissy fit that all my friends were brown and I was too pale. I'm not saying that I could afford to have gone but my nan has a timeshare and kindly let us go! (FOR FREE) It was nice just to relax by the pool if i'm honest. Now however I have had to spend the rest of my time catching up with all the uni work I have missed! And working at Religion to try and up my bank balance.
Speaking of bank balances, I am so so poor, i've had £2.22 in my bank since sunday, i'm to poor to eat! Therefor I am eating all the leftover that are in my freezer! I'm sure many of you can relate this feeling! 
Anyway here are a few snapshots of my holiday, these were all taken from mine or will's phone- as our phones are better quality than the actual camera!

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