Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Holiday Blues

Dress-Miss Selfridge|Blazer-Primark|Shoes-JC

Hey all,

I apologise profusely for my lack of posts! 

Me and my lovely boyfriend have just been on holiday to Tenerife! Finally! As I was too poor to go in the summer and I was throwing a bit of a hissy fit that all my friends were brown and I was too pale. I'm not saying that I could afford to have gone but my nan has a timeshare and kindly let us go! (FOR FREE) It was nice just to relax by the pool if i'm honest. Now however I have had to spend the rest of my time catching up with all the uni work I have missed! And working at Religion to try and up my bank balance.
Speaking of bank balances, I am so so poor, i've had £2.22 in my bank since sunday, i'm to poor to eat! Therefor I am eating all the leftover that are in my freezer! I'm sure many of you can relate this feeling! 
Anyway here are a few snapshots of my holiday, these were all taken from mine or will's phone- as our phones are better quality than the actual camera!


1 comment

  1. Very jealous you got some sunshine in your life, looks like you had an amazing time!xx


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