Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Yes... Plastic Bag Nails!

Hey all,

Been super super busy this week, so many deadlines just around the corner stressing me out!
I have found time however to make a slightly different post, one of which i haven't done before... a nails post! As you can see I don't have the best nails (or hands) but I thought i'd do one anyway. 
A friend from work told me how to do this, personally I think it's amazing, very easy too.

Too begin, choose 3 colours of nail varnish- I chose these pastel type colours( these are the ones that go on top) Also have a light nails varnish, like white, or baby pink to be the base and a glitter to go on top!

Paint you nails.......... (with the lightest colour)

Wait for that to dry,then put random blotches everywhere! ( tip loosen the lids before you blotch)

Then simply press a plastic bag over the nail.

And Wholah!!

Keep a cotton bud handy.. Just encase!

Finish Off with glitter!!!!

Hope everyone is having a fantabulous week! 

x x x 


  1. Love this! I will definatley be trying this out

    Jess x x

  2. These are actually fab! I think I'll give them a go!!

    Liv x


  3. Oo that's such an interesting idea so simple, have to do dis :3 xoxo



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