Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Creative me


Hey everyone, 
I hope you having a lovely summer, even though the weather is beginning to take a turn for the worst... again!
Here are a few clothes that I have customised over the past few months. Firstly I decided to order some studs as there were a few items in my wardrobe the were boring and need a change. This shirt is from H&M a while ago, its a lovely material to wear over a dress of a top. I simply just added the studs and now I love it! simply can't take it off. I always get compliments on it, which is lovely as i made it myself! I also did this to my leather jacket, but i can't find the photo anywhere, but I did post in on instagram, so its on there somewhere!
Secondly, me and my boyfriend (posing in the fitting rooms at his work) were bored one night so popped over to wilkinsons and bought some dye. To make the orange and blue/purple vests we just tied elastic bands onto the t-shirt, you can kind of see it floating in the water and left for 15 mins and wolaaaaa. 
For the dip dye/ ombre we just hung the tops into the dye and after 20 mins poured water on the top so the dye soaked up a little. It looks so cool! I also did it to a dress I didn't take a photo of this, as i've left the dress at uni and i'm at home but i'll blog the dress soon as its amazing! The turquoise ombre top you can now find in H&M, it's obviously not the same as mine has purple dye at the bottom, so if you fancy saving yourself a lot of effort...

Hope you like 

x x x x 



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