Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Into Abyss

Tee- Religion|Jacket-Levi's|Leggings-Primark|Creepers-eBay|Hamsa necklace-eBay|Bracelet-Primark

Evening all,

Here is another number from Religion! As you may have gathered its called the into Abyss tee. This is now in the sale! 
It's now my second week back at uni, bloody torture! Bristol busses are so useless, getting up two hours  before a lecture is not what I call fun!
How cool is this last photo, me and Jane though we'd mix it up a little to make the photos more interesting. 

Hope your week is going well so far :)

x x x 


Saturday, 26 January 2013

Just Hype

Rings&skull bracelet- Topshop|Spikey bracelet&socks Primark|Jumper,Necklace&Creepers-eBay|Beanie-Hype

I am so hungover!!!
- Note to self stop mixing drinks!
I am sure many of you have heard of this brand on my head- just hype, there collection is so bold and colourful, check them out here. Love all their printed tees and beanies and basically EVERYTHING.
This jumper is also a wildfox replica! Bloody love it. 
I did my ombre nails again but this time blue, i really like them, but I cannot keep nail varnish on my fingers for more than a day, they are chipped already! Dang Nabbit!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far- I am off out again tonight. Crazyyy!

Lots of love


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Fashion Over Function?


This post is called Fashion Over Function for one reason only... I am not wearing a coat! It was bloody freezing!
I have had this skull top for a while now, I love it so much i have seen a few like it but I love mine! :)
This beanie is the one worn in my previous post but I studded it up, makes it look so much better, i'm so pleased with it!
Shorty after these photos were taken the snow fell HARD again! So no uni again tomorrow yay!!
Happy tuesday!
- Coral
  x x x

Please follow my blog on the top right ->
& Instagram & twitter, Thank you! 

BIG THANK YOU to my friend rich for letting me use his camera! <3

Friday, 18 January 2013

Generic Snow Post!!!


Hey lovelies!!

Some of you clever people may know that it's snowing! (give yourself a pat on the back)
So before we played in the snow and got all wet me and janey took some piccies!! Still on the phone unfortunately as we still don't have a camera.
Our snowman is also a bit different, instead of the button eyes and carrot nose- he has tomato eyes and a leek nose. Cannot get much better than that really can you!
This week my boss at Religion was away for her birthday. Our new SS13 arrived and I had to merchandise it- it is so much more difficult that you think, but I hope I managed to make it look good!
Happy Snow day!!!

Lots of love
- Coral


Friday, 11 January 2013

Tribute to Balenciaga

Yes... It started to rain!
Shoes-eBay|Jeans-Religion|Top-Topshop|Leather-Zara|Fur Gillet-Primark

Hellooo there,

Here is my official tribute to the beautiful balenciaga harness boots. These are obvious knock off's from eBay. I have blogged these babies a few times before but i've never paid an official tribute to them- they are beautiful aren't they?
These dip dye jeans from Religion are pretty epic too, I had to wear them the other day at work because my trousers SPLIT in the middle of my shift! But I bloody love these jeans so I wasn't that upset! This feather top I have had for a while, I love the zip on the back ... hate the coldness of it on my back when I first put it on though!
Sorry about these photos they were taken on an iphone not a camera and the lack of light made them a little dull!
Hope everyone is having a lovely start to the weekend- unfortunately i'm working all of it :( 

lot of love


x x x 


Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My First attempt at ombre nails

I have seen Ombre/ dip dye nails before- and I have to say, I was jealous. So I thought as I am such an expert on all things beauty (NOT) I'll give it a go. Those of you who follow me on Instagram will probably be thinking 'Hey she did these ages ago'- That I did, however I did not post a step-by-step guide on how I did it!  

Before you begin make sure you have a sponge, the nail varnish colours you desire, a piece of paper and lastly a cotton bud- because let's be honest the right hand always looks shit until you've gone around it with a cotton bud!

1. Paint your nails white! & wait for them to fully dry
(That is if you want the same effect as me)

2. Place about 15-20 blobs of polish onto the paper.

3. Dab the sponge into the blob of nail varnish and begin. Only dab this colour 3/4 of the way onto your nail, like the photo below.

4. Repeat this step just so the colour is more defined.

5. Wait until this partly dry then add 10-15 blobs of your other colour to your paper.

6. Using a different part of the sponge begin dabbing your nail again, this time try and only keep to the bottom 1/4 of your nail.

7. Then add some clear nail varnish when it is dry and tidy the edges and wholaa!

I realise this isn't the best- but for my first ever try i'm pretty impressed with myself!

Lots of love


x x x 

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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

2013... May I welcome you with open arms


Happy NO year! Hope everyone had a wonderful start to the year, I certainly did surrounded by all my beautiful friends!
So happy to be back blogging again! Been away from Jane so nobody to take my photos. 
This dress I wore on New Years Eve, it's so flattering and so silky! I want it in every single colour! The theme was black and  red and it turned out the girls planned a surprise casino theme on top of that. It was lovely :) Obviously I wore it with my JC's they are so comfy I can't take them off. We were all dancing like crazy people on the sofas! 
I can't wait to post more in the new year! My loan has come in so I can buy loads and loads and loads of new shiny beautiful clothes :D

Lots of Love

x x x 

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