Wednesday, 9 January 2013

My First attempt at ombre nails

I have seen Ombre/ dip dye nails before- and I have to say, I was jealous. So I thought as I am such an expert on all things beauty (NOT) I'll give it a go. Those of you who follow me on Instagram will probably be thinking 'Hey she did these ages ago'- That I did, however I did not post a step-by-step guide on how I did it!  

Before you begin make sure you have a sponge, the nail varnish colours you desire, a piece of paper and lastly a cotton bud- because let's be honest the right hand always looks shit until you've gone around it with a cotton bud!

1. Paint your nails white! & wait for them to fully dry
(That is if you want the same effect as me)

2. Place about 15-20 blobs of polish onto the paper.

3. Dab the sponge into the blob of nail varnish and begin. Only dab this colour 3/4 of the way onto your nail, like the photo below.

4. Repeat this step just so the colour is more defined.

5. Wait until this partly dry then add 10-15 blobs of your other colour to your paper.

6. Using a different part of the sponge begin dabbing your nail again, this time try and only keep to the bottom 1/4 of your nail.

7. Then add some clear nail varnish when it is dry and tidy the edges and wholaa!

I realise this isn't the best- but for my first ever try i'm pretty impressed with myself!

Lots of love


x x x 

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  1. Hi Coral,

    Thanks for your lovely comment! I like your blog too! Following you now.
    I really love the ombre nails, maybe I'll do it too! Thanks for the tutorial.

    Xx el33ta

  2. Adore them, they are so cute <3

    Carolina + GIVEAWAY

  3. That looks pretty good, well done.

    I love your blog and I'm now following you on GFC.

    I'm having a give-away at my blog! Would love it if you entered!


  4. You did good

  5. Your nails turned out great and I love that ring! Adorable. Newest follower :)

  6. I Love this
    Your Nails Look Fab :)

    I would appreciate it if you take some time out and visit my blog
    Claudia xx

  7. Hi dear!:) Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like yours!:) your nails look so cute!<3 I love them!:) I follow you now!:) Hope you follow me back!:)

  8. hey girl! just come across your blog it looks wicked.

    loving this nail colour!!!

    also the grey jeans in the post above are beaut!

    i just followed you :)

    check my blog if you like :)



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