Saturday, 16 March 2013

Cabot Circus 48hr Fashion Fix

Sorry for the photo-heavy post:

Today was the first day of the 48hr Fashion Fix at Cabot Circus in Bristol. This two-day event exhibits all of the seasons must haves from monochrome to Neon. Many of the brands within Cabot Circus participated in the event and hosted various catwalks to display their clothes.
During my lunch break I went down and took a couple of photos as Religion had a few outfits on the Mannequins in the Pod. Whilst I was there they were doing 'Hook-a-Handbag' And some lucky lady received at £350 Mulberry bag!!!! The whole atmosphere of Cabot Circus was so lively and happy.  

 Religion AFI Leggins and Orbit Sweat
 Religion Nature Tee and Omen Chinos

During the week at Religion we had a competition where one lucky lady could win a FREE personal shopping spree and 20% off whatever they wanted and a FREE Bare Minerals makeover. They also received Champagne and choccies on arrival. We then picked a customer at random to have the same shopping spree and makeover later on that day… I was slightly jealous! Never the less it was such a fun day and such a good atmosphere, here are a few snaps of Religion and me my boss lizzie and Khadija!!

Love Coral :)



  1. All looks like so much fun!
    S xx

  2. Hi just found your blog! These pictures are awesome, the colours of all the clothes are so fun and cheerful for spring and summer coming up! Looks like you had a lovely time :) Great post!

    If you have a minute, pop over to my blog and say hello? If you enjoy it, maybe we could follow each other? Lucy x


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