Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Old School Vans

Mindblowing tee- eBay| Rings-Boots| Necklace-Primark

I know what you may be thinking, is this girl naked!? Believe it or not I have actually got shorts on, skimpy shorts they may be, but at the end of the day shorts are shorts however this XXL shirt seems to be hiding them. 
I have been the proud owner of this super cool/retro/vintage whatever you want to call it tie dye vans tee for a while now. I immediately feel that little bit cooler when I wear it... almost like a cucumber. I then asked myself the question why haven't I blogged this baby yet. So here I am... in bed... blogging... looking naked, feeling cool. But this tee is so remarkable is has no need for accessories like a hat or trousers, not even socks or SHOES. It speaks for itself. The colours are so pretty, they put a smile on my face, even on the rainiest of days like today. 

To conclude, you may have gathered I love this top and I hope that you all share the passion and love I have for it too.

 x x x


Wednesday, 8 May 2013

L'Oreal Feria Pastel Toner Review

I am a natural blonde, if i'm honest i'm not 100% sure what shade these days as I have been highlighting my hair for many years now, and like most people I get bored easily. I have been brown, attempted ombre both did not suit me at all. So now I have braved the pastels. The L'Oreal Feria Pastel Toner comes in three different colours. Lilac, Pink and Peach. I originally was going to go for pink but my local boots had sold out, so I decided to go for the Lilac. Here are some photos below to show my outcome.

L'Oreal Feria Pastel Toner.-Boots|Shirt-H&M|Lipstick-Mac-Satin

As you can see there isn't a major difference, I dint expect much as this is only a toner. But I am really pleased with the results. I promise you it looks a lot more lilac in real life.
The only negative thing I would say is that they colour only really attaches itself to the highlighted parts of my hair so it almost looks a bit two toned and I only get my hair highlighted at the top- but this is probably due to the fact that this is a toner.

Hope everyone is having a lovely week so far,



Sunday, 5 May 2013

Nice Shirt


Mornin' All,

This is a pretty simple outfit. I have been wearing this bloody lovely shirt an awful lot lately, it's perfect for just throwing on. Especially in this weather where it's to hot to wear a coat but to cold to wear just a top. It seems to match with absolutely everything! I love the dip dye on it, I apologise that it's off eBay, but I don't think it would be too difficult to make yourself...maybe?
I have just dyed my hair too. I've used the L'Oreal Feria Pastel Toner. I'm currently awaiting the results, so fingers crossed. I've wanted to have purpley/pinky hair for a while now but i've been too scared. Hopefully it will look good.

Happy bank holiday sunday!


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