Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Old School Vans

Mindblowing tee- eBay| Rings-Boots| Necklace-Primark

I know what you may be thinking, is this girl naked!? Believe it or not I have actually got shorts on, skimpy shorts they may be, but at the end of the day shorts are shorts however this XXL shirt seems to be hiding them. 
I have been the proud owner of this super cool/retro/vintage whatever you want to call it tie dye vans tee for a while now. I immediately feel that little bit cooler when I wear it... almost like a cucumber. I then asked myself the question why haven't I blogged this baby yet. So here I am... in bed... blogging... looking naked, feeling cool. But this tee is so remarkable is has no need for accessories like a hat or trousers, not even socks or SHOES. It speaks for itself. The colours are so pretty, they put a smile on my face, even on the rainiest of days like today. 

To conclude, you may have gathered I love this top and I hope that you all share the passion and love I have for it too.

 x x x



  1. You look amazing, I love the tiedye! xo

  2. LOVE this tee
    And you look gorgeous
    S xx

  3. Lovely blog Coral, I've nominated you for the Liebster award :)

  4. You look beautiful,cool blog)

  5. Sooo pretty! It's great to have a simple tee to throw on sometimes, and this one is a cutie! xo


  6. You look fantastic! this could easily be a magazine photo shoot
    Roxy's Box of Tricks  

  7. OMG I love tie dye and vans... i NEED this tee, where can i get it? I Just came across your blog and I love it, your style is amazing!

    I hope you can check out my blog too. Hopefully we can also follow each other as well if you would like to :)


  8. Really like your style =) following!!!! Hope you take a look at my blog and tell me what you think =) thanks so much.


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