Tuesday, 31 December 2013


As this will be my last blog post of 2013 I thought i'd give you all something to laugh about! Here are 30 photos of me looking my absolute best...
Blogging isn't as glamorous as it may seem. Sun in eyes, blinking in the photo, windswept hair. You name it... it's probably happened. I've just had a quickly nosey at my 2013 blogging photo's, and boy... there are a lot. And yes a majority of them I am pulling a stupid face as I normally do. So I thought i'd share them to you all as a sort of New Years Present so you all can laugh at my misfortune. All I ask in return is for you please continue to read my blog in the future and not be scared by my hideous face in some of the photos.
All my LOVE :)
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Happy New Year Everybody. 

1. Hair in face, generally not ready for the photo

2. Not sure how my leg even managed to bend that way!?

3. Standard motion blurrrrrr

4. Photo Bomb

5. Dad making me laugh

6. Doing a little dance

7. The 'no mum not like that'

8. Trying to tap my feet together in the air (never been able to do that)

9. Maintaining my ladylike elegance 

10. Pre blogging test shot

11. WIND

12. Awkward human encounter  

13. Flying low

14. Again maintaining my ladylike poise

15. Not really sure

16. Mid blink

17. Falling over... literally

18. People shouting...

19. The dreaded double chin

20. Did I not see the massive hole in my tights?

21. The Cheesy grin nobody needs to see

22. Like I said I pull strange faces

23. And again...

24. Outfit adjustments

25. Smouldering pose

26. More wind

27. Strutting like a tit.

28. So easily distracted.. oOOo Look there's a bird

29. Everyone loves getting naked right..?

30. Just warming up before my 10k run in my Jeffrey Campbells... NOT


1 comment

  1. haha brilliant post! Love all your outfits <3



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