Monday, 29 September 2014

BLEACH LONDON - Violet skies review

I have previously tried Bleach Londons 'Washed Up Mermaid','Rose' and 'Blullini'. So I thought I would now try a Lilac colour.

Firstly I apologise for my miserable face in all these pictures. 
Comb, Gloves and dye... the first and most important.
Freshly shampooed, not conditioned hair.
Split hair into segments, and apply assuring you comb through the dye thoroughly.
Once all done use remainder of dye and apply more.
You can see the colour starting to show. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse.

Here you can see the end results. I am happy with the overall colour that this product has achieved. The only problems is the colour hasn't held onto the ends of my hair as they haven't been coloured in a while in comparison to my roots.




  1. LOVE the new hair!!
    S xx

  2. I love your hair color!! wonderful:)! please visit me in free time:)


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