Sunday, 1 May 2016

Andy Warhol | Ai Weiwei exhibition

Me during the Thoughtography session

Last Friday I visited the National Gallery Victoria for the final weekend of the Andy Warhol | Ai Weiwei exhibition.
I remember studying Andy Warhol's art in school. So I was pretty excited to see it all in person. I had heard lots of great feedback from Ah Wei Wei in the exhibition too.

The NGV put on a great display for the art work. The gallery was divided into two parts. I love how they used both artists work to compliment each other and point of various similarities in their work even though they had been created years apart.

There were also some interactive aspects to the night which we all enjoyed. Firstly we queued up for something called 'Thoughtography'. We were given a headset and a headband, (which was what measured your thought process) We were then asked to look at four images from the exhibition. These images were carefully selected to trigger different senses in your brain which allow the team to measure your brainwaves and create thoughtographs The result is a unique depiction of how your mind responded to the different artworks. The image it creates is really cool

We then went to Aiweiwei's studio cats section. This was very interactive, mainly for children but I loved it. If you follow me on snapchat (coral_payne) you would have seen us playing around in the room. This was also where you could play with the Andy Warhol portrait. It allowed you to recreate the famous pop art images. 

The night was so much fun, I just wish I have longer to look around. 
I have heard the Cindy Sherman exhibition is out in Brisbane too. I really want to see that too.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend.

Love Coral


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