Monday, 17 June 2013

There Seems To Be A Hole In My Shoulder

Shirt-Urban Outfitters| Jeans-Miss Selfridge| Shoes-Jeffrey Campbell
Good Evening,

Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lack of blogging that has been happening lately, I have no excuse. I have just been extremely busy!

Secondly, how nice is this shirt!? I picked it up from Urban Outfitters last month and have been wearing it a hell of a lot. I love the colours and the cut out shoulders. I am a huge fan of UO yet every time I go in there the prices make me die a little inside. I want everything but unfortunately my overdraft is currently maxed out. Oh student life... 
I have also finally invested in some black jeans! I have such a strange body shape so I can never find jeans that fit the size of my bum and then my ankles. But these high waisted ones from Miss Selfridge are perfect and they are stretchy so I can do crazy things like my last photo.

Because of my backlog of blogging I have tonnes of clothes that I am dying to show you all, so many pretty summery things in preparation for the summer we will have... I hope!

Lastly news broke on wednesday that Google Reader would cease to exist on July 1st as part of Google’s 'Spring Cleaning' initiative. So to follow my blog now instead of google reader it will now be over on 'BlogLovin' So if you could please follow it over on there I will blow you a cyber kiss. Thank you!!

Lots of Love




  1. Such a cute shirt!! xx

  2. You look gorgeous! I love the shirt xo

  3. In love with your outfit, it's perfect!
    I need these shoes in my life!
    checkout my latest blog post and follow? I've followed you:)

  4. Blouse is so gorgeous
    s xx


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